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The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC’16)


7-8 September 2016, University of Essex, Colchester, UK

AIMS:The aims of the confer ence ar e to pr ovide a for um for scientists, engineer s, scholar s and stu-dents to exchange ideas and update technical knowledge, as well as to provide a platform where joint re-search programmes can be formulated for mutual benefit. The conference welcomes participations and contributions from those involved in both theoretical research and practical applications of all aspects of automation and computer science. In addition to parallel technical sessions, there will be plenary sessions.


SCOPE:The scope of the confer ence cover s a br oad spectr um of ar eas with multi-disciplinary inter-ests in the fields of automation, control engineering, computing and information systems, ranging from fundamental research to real-world applications. The conference welcomes the submission of papers in the nature of original research, technical review and tutorial from following, but not limited to, areas:


Artificial Intelligence


Information and Network


Non-destructive testing,evaluation


Autonomous Systems and


and condition monitoring

Sensor Integration


Information Technology and


Big Data and Knowledge

Cloud Computing


Optimisation and Decision

Making Support



Intelligent Machine Interface


Communications and Networks



Process Modelling, Control

and Optimal Design


Machine Vision and Image


Computer Architecture



Robot Control and Intelligent Sensors


Computer Graphics and


MEMS and micro devices


Robust and Adaptive Control



Metrology and System Reliability


Control Methodologies and


Software Testing and Reuse



Modelling and Simulation


Supply Chain and Logistics


Digital Manufacturing and


Multimedia Systems and


System Diagnosis and Identification

Enterprise Technologies



Flexible Manufacturing and CIM


Networked Control


Systems Engineering


Neural Networks, Fuzzy


Virtual Reality and Aug-


Human Computer Interaction

Logic, Genetic Algorithms,

mented Reality

and Machine Learning


Wireless Sensor Networks


SUBMISSIONS: Paper s should descr ibe the or iginal wor k with focused details. It should be no mor ethan 6 pages (A4 paper) with IEEE conference paper format. The conference details and the paper template for ICAC’16 are available on the conference web site. The first page of each paper should include the title of the paper, an abstract with no more than 200 words, up to 5 key words, author's name(s), complete mail-ing addresses, and email address for correspondence. Electronic form of submission, in Word or PDF, is acceptable and preferred. With the technical co-sponsorship of IEEE UK & Ireland Control Systems Soci-ety, all the accepted conference papers will be held in IEEE X plore so EI indexed. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended article versions to special issue of International Journal of Auto-mation and Computing (http://www.ijac.net).


BEST STUDENT PAPERS: Paper s with the fir st author being PhD students ar e eligible for BestStudent Paper Awards. The authors shall clearly indicate whether their papers are qualified for the awards in submission. The best papers will be assessed by a panel based on academic significance and presentation performance, and award certificates will be presented to the authors in the closing ceremony.




Paper submission deadline------------------------------ 30 April 2016


Notification of acceptance------------------------------ 31 May 2016


Camera-ready copy due--------------------------------- 30 June 2016





For detailed up-to-date information, please visit the ICAC’16 conference website at:






Honorary Chair:Huosheng HuUniversity of Essex, UK

General Chair:Dongbing GuUniversity of Essex, UK

Program Chair:Zhijie XuUniversity of Huddersfield, UK

Co-Program Chair:Prof. Xuechun Yang, HefeiUniversity, PRC

Awards Chairs:Wenhua Chen, Loughborough University, UK


Hongnian Yu, University of Bournemouth , UK


Daniel Auger, Cranfield Uni-versity, UK

Publicity Chair:Hui YuUniversity of Portsmouth, UK

Finance Chair:Lili YangLoughborough University, UK

Local Organisation Com-mittee members:Jianjun GuiRuihao LiQing Liu



IEEE United Kingdom &Republic of Ireland Section .

IEEE United Kingdom &Republic of Ireland ControlSystems Society Chapter:


Organiser:The Chinese Automation andComputing Society in the UK


Contact information:

Yang Xuechun E-mail:[email protected] TEL:+86-18326671091