姚玉武([email protected]),;或謝峰([email protected])
學(xué)術(shù)委員會(huì)(Scientific Committee):
Christopher K.R.T. Jones (North Carolina),,李承治(北京),,
Kening Lu (Utah),,Robert Roussarie (Dijon),張偉江(上海)
組委會(huì)(Organizing Committee):
執(zhí)委會(huì)(Executive Committee):
牛欣Email: [email protected]Tel:+86-13956971739
姚玉武Email: slxc@hfuu.edu.cnTel: +86-15856957361
謝峰Email: [email protected]Tel: +86-15800390863
2016 International Conference on
Singular Perturbation Theory and its Applications
(First Announcement)
The 2016 International Conference on Singular Perturbation Theory and its Applications (ICSPTA) will be held from June 24th to 28th, 2016 at HefeiUniversity, Hefei, Anhui Province,
This conference is the second of a series. The first one took place in Shanghai in 2010. The main goal of the conference is to bring together experts to share ideas and results on recent developments in the theory of singular perturbation and its applications. The conference will focus on the geometric theory of singular perturbations, asymptotic methods, multiple scales, dynamics with singular perturbations and their applications in physics, fluids, mechanics, biomathematics and so on.
If you are interested in participating at this conference and presenting a talk, please send the conference receipt to
Yuwu Yao ([email protected]) or Feng Xie ([email protected])
before April 20, 2016
The registration fee is 800RMB, or 130USD, or 120Euros. For other detailed information of this conference such as a list of invited speakers, schedule, registration information etc, please see the conference webpage:
Please note the conference webpage will be updated once new information is available.
Scientific Committee:
Christopher K.R.T. Jones (North Carolina), Chengzhi Li (Beijing), Kening Lu (Utah), Robert Roussarie (Dijon), Weijiang Zhang (Shanghai)
Organizing Committee:
Xianfeng Chen (Shanghai), Xiu Chen (Hefei), Weishi Liu (Kansas),
Mingkang Ni (Shanghai), Xiang Zhang (Shanghai)
Executive Committee:
Xin Niu (Hefei), Lin Qiu (Shanghai), Feng Xie (Shanghai), Yuwu Yao (Hefei)
HefeiUniversity, Chinese Mathematical Society, and Chinese Society of Singular Perturbation.
Contact information:
XinNiu Email: [email protected]Tel:+86-13956971739
Yuwu Yao Email: [email protected]Tel: +86-15856957361
Feng XieEmail: [email protected]Tel: +86-15800390863