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HFU Holds Promotion Meeting for Cooperation between Universities in Anhui Province and University of Derby


On September 25 the promotion meeting for cooperation between universities in Anhui Province and University of Derby(UK), was held at Hefei University. Christopher David Bussell, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Derby, led a delegation to attend the meeting, which was also joined by leaders from Anhui University of Technology, Anhui Medical University, and Anhui Normal University.

Wang Qidong, Chair of HFU Council, welcomed the visiting delegation and briefly introduced Hefei University, reflecting on the achievements made over the past eight years in faculty exchanges, student exchanges, and collaborative research projects with University of Derby.

Christopher David Bussell introduced advantageous disciplines of University of Derby and expressed his hope to expand the breadth and depth of cooperation with universities in Anhui. During the meeting, Anhui University of Technology and Hefei University signed cooperation memorandums with University of Derby, laying a solid foundation for future collaboration.



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