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HFU Winning the Second Place in the 10th International Underwater Robot Competition


From July 25 to 28, the 10th International Underwater Robot Competition is held in Dalian Maritime University. HFU students from the Outstanding IT Engineer Club win the Second Place in the competition.

As the first international robot competition set by China, the Underwater Robot Competition is sponsored by the International League of Underwater Robot, aiming at promoting the underwater robot development. The 10th competition attracts 60 universities from home and abroad including Peking University, Zhejiang University, University of Groningen(Netherlands), University of Toronto(Canada), Purdue University(USA), and so on. Over 500 members of more than 200 teams participate in such competitions like underwater racing, underwater target recognition and grabbing, global vision and autonomous vision.   

As another breakthrough in the international competition, the fruit of the Second Place results from the painstaking efforts of HFU Outstanding IT Engineer Club.



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