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HFU’s Participation in the 10th University Scholars Leadership Symposium


    The 10th University Scholars Leadership Symposium (USLS) is hosted in Kuala Lumpur(Malaysia) by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Humanitarian Affairs Asia and the Malaysian Government, from August 1 to 7. More than 1,500 teachers and students from over 100 countries attend it, including Hefei University (HFU) delegation of one teacher and five students.
    The 1oth USLS brings together young leaders around the world on the theme of “Together We Serve” for the challenges of social development. Focusing  on the world peace and development, university students from different countries carry out in-depth discussion on the issues concerning race, refugees, poverty, gender equality, and climate change. 

    It is the fourth time that HFU has spoken out on this stage to the university students throughout the world, who will continue to build a broader platform for her students to broaden their horizon and hear the voice of the world.



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