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HFU Students Win Honorable Mention in USA ICM


    Twelve HFU students from the Department of Mathematics & Physics, Electronic Information & Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering respectively win Honorable Mention prizes(Second Prize) in 2019 USA Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling(ICM) under the supervision of their tutors.

    As the only mathematical contest in modeling internationally, ICM is held by the US Consortium for Mathematics and Its Application(COMAP), which involves economics, management, environment, resources, ecology, medicine, safety, future technology and the like, emphasizing studentsoriginality of problem solving, abilities of team work and communication to apply mathematics for real problems.

    2019 ICM witnesses over 25,000 teams from 19 countries and areas like the US, China, Canada, Finland, UK, and Australia and so on, among whom are those from such world-renowned universities as Harvard University, Princeton University, MIT, Tsinghua University, Peking University, Zhejiang University, Fudan University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University,。

    It is the first time that HFU students have achieved such excellent prizes in ICM.




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